BGP L2VPN Operational Commands

BGP L2VPN Show Commands

The following show commands display the BGP L2VPN-related information.

BGP Summary

This command displays BGP protocol parameters like attributes or timers that are generic to the BGP instance.


show bgp summary <option>

Attribute Description




Without any option, the command displays the information for all instances.

Example: BGP summary for instance l2vpn_ce1

supervisor@rtbrick: op> show bgp summary instance l2vpn_ce1
Instance: l2vpn_ce1
  General information
    Hostname: , Domain name:
    Local AS: 65006, Version: 4
    Local preference: 100, eBGP Protocol preference: 20, iBGP Protocol preference: 200
    Router ID:, Cluster ID:
    Route refresh: True, AS4: True, Graceful restart: False, L2VPN VPLS-VPWS:True
  Best route selection
    Always compare MED: False, Ignore as path: False
    Ignore local preference: False, Ignore origin: False
    Ignore MED: False, Ignore route source: False
    Ignore router ID: False, Ignore uptime: True
    Ignore cluster length: False, Ignore peer IP: False
    Route select parameter: 0
    Connect retry: 30s, Keepalive: 30s, Holdtime: 90s
    Peers configured: 0, Peers auto discovery: 0
      Peers in idle          : 0
      Peers in connect       : 0
      Peers in active        : 0
      Peers in opensent      : 0
      Peers in openconfirm   : 0

BGP Peer

The 'show bgp peer' commands display information on BGP peers.


show bgp peer <option>

Option Description


Without any option, the commands display all BGP peers in all instances in a summary table format.


Detailed information on all BGP peers in all instances in a list view.


Detailed information on the peer with the given name.

address <peer-address>

Detailed information on the peer with the given IP address.


Displays BGP peer history information such as the peer state down reasons.

history <peer-address>

Displays BGP peer history information such as the peer state down reasons for a specified peer.

instance <instance-name>

Summary of all BGP peers in the given instance.

instance <instance-name> detail

Detailed information on all BGP peers in the given instance.

instance <instance-name> detail <peer-name>

Detailed information on the peer with the given name in the given instance.

instance <instance-name> detail address <peer-address>

Detailed information on the peer with the given IP address in the given instance.


Received and sent BGP prefixes per AFI/SAFI for all peers in all instances.

statistics peer <peer-name>

Received and sent BGP prefixes per AFI/SAFI for the peer with the given name.

statistics peer address <peer-address>

Received and sent BGP prefixes per AFI/SAFI for the peer with the given IP address.

statistics instance <instance-name> peer <peer-name>

Received and sent BGP prefixes per AFI/SAFI for the peer with the given name in the given instance.

statistics instance <instance-name> peer address <peer-address>

Received and sent BGP prefixes per AFI/SAFI for the peer with the given IP address in the given instance.

Example 1: BGP Peer Information for instance default

supervisor@rtbrick: op> show bgp peer instance default
Instance: default
  Peer        Remote AS    State         Up/Down Time       PfxRcvd     PfxSent
  spine1      4200000000   Established   0d:00h:59m:45s     55          77
  spine1      4200000000   Established   0d:00h:59m:48s     55          77
supervisor@rtbrick: op>

Example 2: Detailed view of BGP Peer Information

supervisor@rtbrick: op> show bgp peer detail
Peer: spine1, Peer IP: fe80::9a19:2cff:fe99:4701, Remote AS: 4200000000, Local: fe80::9a19:2cff:fe36:3e03, Local AS: 4200000004, Any AS: False
  Type: ebgp, State: Established, Up/Down Time: 0d:01h:00m:40s
  Discovered on interface: ifl-0/0/2/1
  Last transition: Thu Apr 18 04:50:56 GMT +0000 2024, Flap count: 0
  Peer ID        :, Local ID  :
  Instance       : default, Peer group: spine
  6PE enabled    : False
  Timer values:
    Peer keepalive : 30s, Local keepalive: 30s
    Peer holddown  : 90s, Local holddown : 90s
    Connect retry  : 30s
    Connect retry timer : 0s
    Keepalive timer     : expires in 21s 796304us
    Holddown timer      : expires in 1m 13s 560627us
    Sent           : ['l2vpn-evpn', 'ipv4-unicast', 'ipv6-unicast', 'ipv4-vpn-unicast', 'ipv6-vpn-unicast', 'ipv4-vpn-multicast', 'l2vpn-vpls', 'ipv4-labeled-unicast', 'ipv6-labeled-unicast']
    Received       : ['l2vpn-evpn', 'ipv4-unicast', 'ipv6-unicast', 'ipv4-vpn-unicast', 'ipv6-vpn-unicast', 'ipv4-vpn-multicast', 'l2vpn-vpls', 'ipv4-labeled-unicast', 'ipv6-labeled-unicast']
    Negotiated     : ['l2vpn-evpn', 'ipv4-unicast', 'ipv6-unicast', 'ipv4-vpn-unicast', 'ipv6-vpn-unicast', 'ipv4-vpn-multicast', 'l2vpn-vpls', 'ipv4-labeled-unicast', 'ipv6-labeled-unicast']
    Addpath sent                  : None
    Addpath received              : None
    Addpath negotiated            : None
    Extended nexthop sent         : ['ipv4-unicast', 'ipv4-vpn-unicast', 'ipv4-vpn-multicast', 'ipv4-labeled-unicast']
    Extended nexthop received     : ['ipv4-unicast', 'ipv4-labeled-unicast', 'ipv4-vpn-multicast', 'ipv4-vpn-unicast']
    Extended nexthop negotiated   : ['ipv4-unicast', 'ipv4-labeled-unicast', 'ipv4-vpn-multicast', 'ipv4-vpn-unicast']
      Feature                      Sent            Received        Negotiated
      Route refresh                True            True            True
      4 byte AS                    True            True            True
      Graceful restart             False           False           False
      Link local only              False           False           False
  Prefix Limit:
  End of RIB:
    Address family                 Sent                                Received
    IPv4 unicast                   Thu Apr 18 04:50:59 GMT +0000 2024  Thu Apr 18 04:50:59 GMT +0000 2024
    IPv4 labeled-unicast           Thu Apr 18 04:50:59 GMT +0000 2024  Thu Apr 18 04:50:59 GMT +0000 2024
    IPv6 unicast                   Thu Apr 18 04:50:59 GMT +0000 2024  Thu Apr 18 04:50:59 GMT +0000 2024
    IPv6 labeled-unicast           Thu Apr 18 04:50:59 GMT +0000 2024  Thu Apr 18 04:50:59 GMT +0000 2024
    IPv4 VPN-unicast               Thu Apr 18 04:50:59 GMT +0000 2024  Thu Apr 18 04:50:59 GMT +0000 2024
    IPv6 VPN-unicast               Thu Apr 18 04:50:59 GMT +0000 2024  Thu Apr 18 04:50:59 GMT +0000 2024
    IPv4 VPN-multicast             Thu Apr 18 04:50:59 GMT +0000 2024  Thu Apr 18 04:50:59 GMT +0000 2024
    L2VPN VPLS                     Thu Apr 18 04:50:59 GMT +0000 2024  Thu Apr 18 04:50:59 GMT +0000 2024
    L2VPN EVPN                     Thu Apr 18 04:50:59 GMT +0000 2024  Thu Apr 18 04:50:59 GMT +0000 2024
  Message stats:
    Session stats:
      Direction   Open         Update       Keepalive    Notify       Route refresh
      Input       0            0            72           0            0
      Output      0            0            71           0            0
    Total stats:
      Input       0            0            72           0            0
      Output      0            0            71           0            0
    Route stats:
      Address family                 Received     Sent         Prefix limit Idle timeout
      IPv4 unicast                   0            0            0            0
      IPv4 labeled-unicast           0            0            0            0
      IPv6 unicast                   0            0            0            0
      IPv6 labeled-unicast           0            0            0            0
      IPv4 VPN-unicast               0            0            0            0
      IPv6 VPN-unicast               0            0            0            0
      IPv4 VPN-multicast             0            0            0            0
      L2VPN VPLS                     0            0            0            0
      L2VPN EVPN                     0            0            0            0

Example 3: BGP Peer Statistics for a specific peer

supervisor@rtbrick: op> show bgp peer statistics peer address fe80::781a:c6ff:fec0:1
Instance: default
  Peer                           AFI     SAFI               PfxRcvd    PfxSent
  spine1                         ipv4    unicast            4          5
                                 ipv4    labeled-unicast    4          5
                                 ipv6    unicast            4          5
                                 ipv6    labeled-unicast    4          5
                                 ipv4    vpn-unicast        14         18
                                 ipv6    vpn-unicast        14         18
                                 ipv4    multicast          0          0
                                 ipv4    vpn-multicast      4          7
                                 l2vpn   vpls               3          6
                                 l2vpn   evpn               4          8

Example 4: BGP Peer history for a specified peer op> show bgp peer history peer address 192:168::40
Instance: ip2vrf
  Peer Address               Source Address             Type             Last Reset Reason
  192:168::40                192:168:5::20              FSM Error        FSM Error, Sub-Code: Unexpected message in OpenSent State


This command displays the received routes.


show bgp rib-in <option>

Option Description


Without any option, the command displays information on the received BGP routing table on all instances in a summary table format.


BGP routing table summary for the given address family (AFI), all sub-address families and all instances. Supported AFI values are 'ipv4', 'ipv6' and l2vpn.

<afi> <safi>

BGP routing table summary for the given address family (AFI) and sub-address family (SAFI), and all instances. Supported SAFI values are evpn, 'labeled-unicast', 'unicast', 'vpn-multicast', 'vpn-unicast', and vpls.

<afi> <safi> detail

Detailed list view of the BGP routing table for the given address family (AFI) and sub-address family (SAFI), and all instances.

<afi> <safi> <prefix>

BGP routing table entry for the given prefix and all instances.

<afi> <safi> instance <instance-name>

BGP routing table summary for the given AFI, SAFI, and instance.

<afi> <safi> instance <instance-name> detail

Detailed list view of BGP routing table for the given AFI, SAFI, and instance.

<afi> <safi> instance <instance-name> <prefix>

BGP routing table entry for the given prefix and instance.

<afi> <safi> community <community-name>

BGP community details for the given AFI, SAFI, and instance.

<afi> <safi> error

BGP route with error status for the given AFI, SAFI, and instance.

<afi> <safi> peer <name> / peer address <ip>

Peer name or address

Example 1: Summary view of the BGP rib-in where you can find received information for the BGP L2VPN instances like l2vpn_ce1, l2vpn_ce2, and l2vpn_ce3.

supervisor@rtbrick: op> show bgp rib-in
Flags: & - Imported, ! - Error
Instance: default, AFI: ipv6, SAFI: unicast
  Hostname: Local, Peer IP:
  Source IP:, Total routes: 3
    Prefix                                        Next Hop                            MED        Lpref             AS Path    Status
    192:1::3/128                                                                      0          100               -          Valid
    192:1::5/128                                                                      0          100               -          Valid
    192:1::6/128                                                                      0          100               -          Valid
  Hostname: spine1, Peer IP: fe80::781a:c6ff:fec0:1
  Source IP: fe80::7857:d6ff:fec0:0, Total routes: 1
    Prefix                                        Next Hop                            MED        Lpref             AS Path    Status
    192:1::1/128                                  fe80::781a:c6ff:fec0:1              0          -                 4200000000 Valid
Instance: default, AFI: ipv6, SAFI: labeled-unicast
  Hostname: Local, Peer IP:
  Source IP:, Total routes: 3
    Prefix                                        Next Hop                            MED        Lpref             AS Path    Status
    192:1::3/128                                                                      0          100               -          Valid
    192:1::5/128                                                                      0          100               -          Valid
    192:1::6/128                                                                      0          100               -          Valid
  Hostname: spine1, Peer IP: fe80::781a:c6ff:fec0:1
  Source IP: fe80::7857:d6ff:fec0:0, Total routes: 1
    Prefix                                        Next Hop                            MED        Lpref             AS Path    Status
    192:1::1/128                                  fe80::781a:c6ff:fec0:1              0          -                 4200000000 Valid
Instance: l2vpn_ce1, AFI: l2vpn, SAFI: vpls-vpws
  Hostname: Local, Peer IP:
  Source IP:, Total routes: 1
    Prefix                                        Next Hop                            MED        Lpref             AS Path    Status                                             0          100               -          Valid
Instance: l2vpn_ce2, AFI: l2vpn, SAFI: vpls-vpws
  Hostname: Local, Peer IP:
  Source IP:, Total routes: 1
    Prefix                                        Next Hop                            MED        Lpref             AS Path    Status                                             0          100               -          Valid
Instance: l2vpn_ce3, AFI: l2vpn, SAFI: vpls-vpws
  Hostname: Local, Peer IP:
  Source IP:, Total routes: 1
    Prefix                                        Next Hop                            MED        Lpref             AS Path    Status                                             0          100               -          Valid
Instance: default, AFI: l2vpn, SAFI: vpls
  Hostname: spine1, Peer IP: fe80::781a:c6ff:fec0:1
  Source IP: fe80::7857:d6ff:fec0:0, Total routes: 3
    Prefix                                        Next Hop                            MED        Lpref             AS Path    Status         192:1::1                            0          -                 4200000000 Valid         192:1::1                            0          -                 4200000000 Valid         192:1::1                            0          -                 4200000000 Valid

Example 2: Summary view of the BGP rib-in where you can find received information for address family l2vpn vpls.

supervisor@rtbrick: op> show bgp rib-in l2vpn vpls
Flags: & - Imported, ! - Error
Instance: default, AFI: l2vpn, SAFI: vpls
   Hostname: spine1, Peer IP: fe80::9a19:2cff:fe99:4701
   Source IP: fe80::9a19:2cff:fe36:3e03, Total routes: 3
    Prefix                                        Next Hop                            MED        Lpref             AS Path    Status         192:1::1                            0          -                 4200000000, 4200000003 Valid         192:1::1                            0          -                 4200000000, 4200000003 Valid         192:1::1                            0          -                 4200000000, 4200000003 Valid

Example 3: Summary view of the BGP rib-in with the error flag.

supervisor@rtbrick> op> show bgp rib-in ipv4 unicast peer address
Flags: & - Imported, ! - Error
Instance: default, AFI: ipv4, SAFI: unicast
  Hostname: P1, Peer IP:
  Source IP:, Total routes: 4
    Flags  Prefix           Next Hop   MED       Lpref       AS Path
    0         -           4200000002
    0         -           4200000002
    0         -           4200000002
    0         -           4200000002


The 'show bgp fib' commands display the BGP forwarding table.


show bgp fib <option>

Option Description


Without any option, the commands display the BGP forwarding table for all address families and all instances in a summary table format.


BGP forwarding table summary for the given address family (AFI), all sub-address families and all instances. Supported AFI values are l2vpn, 'ipv4' and 'ipv6'.

<afi> <safi>

BGP forwarding table summary for the given address family (AFI) and sub-address family (SAFI), and all instances. Supported SAFI values are 'unicast', 'labeled-unicast', 'vpn-multicast', 'vpn-unicast', 'evpn-vpws', and 'vpls-vpws'.

<afi> <safi> detail

Detailed list view of the BGP forwarding table for the given address family (AFI) and sub-address family (SAFI), and all instances.

<afi> <safi> <prefix>

BGP forwarding table entry for the given prefix and all instances.

<afi> <safi> instance <instance-name>

BGP forwarding table summary for the given AFI, SAFI, and instance.

<afi> <safi> instance <instance-name> detail

Detailed list view of BGP forwarding table for the given AFI, SAFI, and instance.

<afi> <safi> instance <instance-name> <prefix>

BGP forwarding table entry for the given prefix and instance.

supervisor@rtbrick: op> show bgp fib
Instance: default, AFI: ipv6, SAFI: unicast
  Prefix                                        Preference      Out Label            Next Hop
  192:1::1/128                                  20              -                    fe80::781a:c6ff:fec0:1
Instance: default, AFI: ipv6, SAFI: labeled-unicast
  Prefix                                        Preference      Out Label            Next Hop
  192:1::1/128                                  20              -                    fe80::781a:c6ff:fec0:1
Instance: l2vpn_ce1, AFI: l2vpn, SAFI: vpls-vpws
  Prefix                                        Preference      Out Label            Next Hop         20              150000,bos:1          192:1::1
Instance: l2vpn_ce2, AFI: l2vpn, SAFI: vpls-vpws
  Prefix                                        Preference      Out Label            Next Hop         20              110000,bos:1          192:1::1
Instance: l2vpn_ce3, AFI: l2vpn, SAFI: vpls-vpws
  Prefix                                        Preference      Out Label            Next Hop         20              120000,bos:1          192:1::1


This command displays the routes that were advertised to peers.


show bgp rib-out <option>

Option Description


Without any option, the command displays advertised BGP routes for all instances.


BGP routing table summary for the given address family (AFI), all sub-address families and all instances. Supported AFI values are l2vpn, 'ipv4' and 'ipv6'.

<afi> <safi>

BGP routing table summary for the given address family (AFI) and sub-address family (SAFI), and all instances. Supported SAFI values are evpn, 'unicast', 'labeled-unicast', 'multicast', 'vpn-unicast', and vpls.

<afi> <safi> detail

Detailed list view of the BGP routing table for the given address family (AFI) and sub-address family (SAFI), and all instances.

<afi> <safi> <prefix>

BGP routing table entry for the given prefix and all instances.

<afi> <safi> instance <instance-name>

BGP routing table summary for the given AFI, SAFI, and instance.

<afi> <safi> instance <instance-name> detail

Detailed list view of BGP routing table for the given AFI, SAFI, and instance.

<afi> <safi> instance <instance-name> <prefix>

BGP routing table entry for the given prefix and instance.

<afi> <safi> peer <name> / peer address <ip>

Peer name or address

Example 1: Summary view of the routes advertised to a peer

supervisor@rtbrick: op> show bgp rib-out
Instance: default, AFI: ipv6, SAFI: unicast
  Peer-group: spine, Sent routes: 4
    Prefix                                        MED             Lpref             Origin          Next Hop        AS Path
    192:1::1/128                                  0               -                 Incomplete      -               4200000003, 4200000000
    192:1::3/128                                  0               -                 Incomplete      -               4200000003
    192:1::5/128                                  0               -                 Incomplete      -               4200000003
    192:1::6/128                                  0               -                 Incomplete      -               4200000003
Instance: default, AFI: ipv6, SAFI: labeled-unicast
  Peer-group: spine, Sent routes: 4
    Prefix                                        MED             Lpref             Origin          Next Hop        AS Path
    192:1::1/128                                  0               -                 Incomplete      -               4200000003, 4200000000
    192:1::3/128                                  0               -                 Incomplete      -               4200000003
    192:1::5/128                                  0               -                 Incomplete      -               4200000003
    192:1::6/128                                  0               -                 Incomplete      -               4200000003
Instance: default, AFI: l2vpn, SAFI: vpls
  Peer-group: spine, Sent routes: 3
    Prefix                                        MED             Lpref             Origin          Next Hop        AS Path         0               -                 Incomplete      192:1::3        4200000003         0               -                 Incomplete      192:1::3        4200000003, 4200000000         0               -                 Incomplete      192:1::3        4200000003


This command displays the BGP L2VPN information.


show bgp l2vpn <option>

Option Description


Displays pseudowire peer IP information for all instances.

pseudowire instance <name>

Displays pseudowire peer IP information for the specified instance.

Example: Display L2VPN pseudowire information for instance l2vpn_ce1

supervisor@rtbrick: op> show bgp l2vpn pseudowire instance l2vpn_ce1
   Instance: l2vpn_ce1, AFI: l2vpn, SAFI: vpls-vpws
   Peer IP:
   Route Distinguisher:
   Number of local interfaces: 1
    Interface name       Prefix                                     Status         Local SID  Remote SID  Pop Label          Push Label
    ifl-0/1/7/100      up             300        301         label:150001,bos:1 label:150001

Example: Display L2VPN pseudowire information cfg> show bgp l2vpn pseudowire
Instance: vrf1-blue, AFI: l2vpn, SAFI: evpn-vpws
  Route Distinguisher:
  Number of local interfaces: 4
    Interface name       Prefix                                     Status          Local SID  Remote SID Pop Label          Push Label
    hostif-0/0/2/101      Up                    300         301 label:20018,bos:1  label:20017,bos:1
    hostif-0/0/2/201      Up                    310         311 label:20019,bos:1  label:20018,bos:1
    hostif-0/0/2/401      Up                    401         402 -                   -
    hostif-0/0/3/401      Up                    402         401 -                   -