Configuring Access Control Lists

For configuring an access control list, you define filter criteria (with match conditions) for the packets and an action for the device to take if the packets match the filtering criteria.

Configuration Hierarchy

The diagram illustrates the ACL configuration hierarchy.

ACL Configuration Hierarchy

Configuration Syntax and Commands

The following sections describe the ACL configuration syntax and commands.

Configuring ACLs


set forwarding-options acl [l2 | l3v4 | l3v6] rule <name> ordinal <number> <option> <attribute> <value>

Options Description


Name of the ACL rule.


Specifies the ordinal number.

match <…​>

Match configuration hierarchy. Please refer to section for the ACL match criteria configuration.

action <…​>

Action configuration hierarchy. Please refer to section for the ACL actions configuration.

priority <priority>

Specifies the ACL priority value. The default entry priority for user-defined ACLs changes to 500. The configurable ACL entry priority range becomes 100 - 20000. When the ACL priority value is set to a lower number, priority is higher.

Configuring ACL Match Criteria

set forwarding-options acl [ l2 | l3v4 | l3v6 ] rule <rulename> ordinal <ordinal_value> match <attribute> <value>

Attribute Description

destination-mac <destination-mac>

ACL L2 destination mac match.

destination-ipv4-prefix <destination-ipv4-prefix>

ACL L3 IPv4 destination prefix match.

destination-ipv4-prefix-list <destination-ipv4-prefix-list>

ACL destination IPv4 prefix list name. You can apply a prefix-list that is previously configured. Refer to section [configure-prefix-list].

destination-l4-port <destination-l4-port>

ACL L4 destination port match.

destination-ipv4-local [true|false]

Indicates whether match support is enabled for all traffic destined for the routers' IP addresses

destination-ipv6-prefix <destination-ipv6-prefix>

ACL L3 IPv6 destination prefix match.

destination-ipv6-prefix-list <destination-ipv6-prefix-list>

ACL destination IPv6 prefix list name. You can apply a prefix-list that is previously configured. Refer to section [configure-prefix-list].

destination-ipv6-local [true|false]

Indicates whether match support is enabled for all traffic destined for the routers' IP addresses

direction ingress

ACL L2/L3 direction match. Currently, only the ingress direction is supported.

ethertype <ethertype>

ACL L2 EtherType match.

inner-tag-protocol-id <inner-tag-protocol-id>

ACL L2 inner TPID match.

inner-vlan <inner-vlan>

ACL L2 inner-VLAN match.

inner-vlan-cfi <inner-vlan-cfi>

ACL L2 inner-VLAN CFI match.

inner-vlan-priority <inner-vlan-priority>

ACL L2 inner-VLAN priority match.

interface <interface>

Interface match.

ip-options true

Match if the IPv4 packet has options. Supported value: true.

ip-protocol <protocol>

ACL IP protocol value match such as TCP, UDP, ICMP.

ipv4-dscp <ipv4-dscp>

IPv4 DSCP value.

ipv4-tos <ipv4-tos>

IPv4 ToS value.

ipv6-tc <ipv6-tc>

Codepoint class value.

logical-interface <logical-interface>

Logical interface match.

source-ipv4-prefix <source-ipv4-prefix>

ACL L3 IPv4 source prefix match.

source-ipv4-prefix-list <source-ipv4-prefix-list>

ACL source IPv4 prefix-list name. You can apply a prefix list that is previously configured. Refer to section [configure-prefix-list].

source-ipv6-prefix <source-ipv6-prefix>

Configure ACL L3 IPv6 source prefix match.

source-ipv6-prefix-list <source-ipv6-prefix-list>

ACL source IPv6 prefix-list name. You can apply a prefix list that is previously configured. Refer to section [configure-prefix-list].

source-l4-port <source-l4-port>

ACL L4 source port match.

outer-tag-protocol-id <outer-tag-protocol-id>

ACL L2 outer TPID match.

outer-vlan <outer-vlan>

ACL L2 outer-VLAN match.

outer-vlan-cfi <outer-vlan-cfi>

ACL L2 outer VLAN CFI match.

outer-vlan-priority <outer-vlan-priority>

ACL L2 outer VLAN priority match.

source-mac <source-mac>

ACL L2 source MAC match.

traffic-class <class>

Forward class value. Supported values: class-0 to class-7, class-all.

ttl <ttl>

IPv4 time-to-live value.

match-mpls-traffic [true/false]

Match single MPLS label termination.

Example 1: Layer 2 Match Configuration

    "rtbrick-config:acl": {
       "l2": {
          "rule": [
              "rule-name": "a10nsp-drop-lag-2",
              "ordinal": [
                  "ordinal-value": 1,
                  "match": {
                    "direction": "ingress",
                    "interface": "lag-2",
                    "outer-vlan-priority": 1
                  "action": {
                    "drop": "true",
                    "statistics": "true"

Example 2: Layer 3 IPv4 Match Configuration

    "rtbrick-config:acl": {
      "l3v4": {
        "rule": [
            "rule-name": "rtb_firewall_two",
            "ordinal": [
                "ordinal-value": 1000,
                "match": {
                  "direction": "ingress",
                  "source-ipv4-prefix": "",
                  "source-l4-port": 8080
                "action": {
                  "drop": "true"
            "rule-name": "rule2",
            "ordinal": [
                "ordinal-value": 5,
                "match": {
                  "direction": "ingress",
                  "interface": "ifp-0/0/1"

Example 3: Layer 3 IPv6 Match Configuration

    "rtbrick-config:l3v6": {
      "rule": [
          "rule-name": "rtb_firewall_two",
          "ordinal": [
              "ordinal-value": 1000,
              "match": {
                "direction": "ingress",
                "source-ipv6-prefix": "2001:db8:0:11::/32",
                "source-l4-port": 8080
              "action": {
                "permit": "true"

Example 4: Match support for all traffic destined any of the routers IP addresses

supervisor@acl>sudhir: cfg> show config forwarding-options acl
    "rtbrick-config:acl": {
      "l3v4": {
        "rule": [
            "rule-name": "rule4",
            "ordinal": [
                "ordinal-value": 4,
                "match": {
                  "direction": "ingress",
                  "destination-ipv4-local": "true"
                "action": {
                  "drop": "true"
      "l3v6": {
        "rule": [
            "rule-name": "rule2",
            "ordinal": [
                "ordinal-value": 2,
                "match": {
                  "direction": "ingress",
                  "destination-ipv6-local": "true"
                "action": {
                  "drop": "true"

Configuring ACL Actions


set forwarding-options acl [l3v4 | l3v6] rule <rulename> ordinal <ordinal_value> action <attribute> <value>

Attribute Description

drop [true/false]

Configure action, drop packets. True indicates that the specified action is performed. False indicates that the specified action is not performed.

permit [true/false]

Configure action, and permit packets. True indicates that the specified action is performed. False indicates that the specified action is not performed.

action statistics [true/false]

Configure action, enable statistics.

A limited number of counter resources are available in a common pool of counter resources for user-defined ACLs, protocol ACLs, L3, and L2X logical interfaces.

forward-class <class>

Specifies forward class value (class-0 to class-7, class-all)

mirror <mirror>

Specifies ACL action mirror name.

capture [true/false]

You can enable the capture action when using the RBFS built-in capture feature with an ACL to more granularly specify the traffic to be captured. For more information and an example, refer to the RBFS NOC Troubleshooting Guide.

policer-name <policer-name>

Specifies policer profile name.

redirect-to-cpu [true/false]

Configure action, redirect packets to CPU.

            "rule-name": "rtb_firewall_two",
            "ordinal": [
                "ordinal-value": 1000,
                "match": {
                  "direction": "ingress",
                  "source-ipv4-prefix": "",
                  "source-l4-port": 8080
                "action": {
                  "drop": "true"

Configuring Prefix Lists

Configuring IPv4/IPv6 Prefix List for ACL and Multifield Classifier


set forwarding-options prefix-list <prefix-list-name> <attribute> <value>

Attribute Description


Name of the prefix list which will be later used to attach with ACL configuration.

ipv4-prefix <ipv4_prefix>

Specifies the IPv4 prefix address.

ipv6-prefix <ipv6_prefix>

Specifies the IPv6 prefix address.

    "rtbrick-config:prefix-list": [
        "prefix-list-name": "ipv4-list",
        "ipv4-prefix": [
            "ipv4-prefix": ""
            "ipv4-prefix": ""
            "ipv4-prefix": ""