Configuring Multicast VPN

Configuration Hierarchy

The diagram illustrates the Multicast VPN configuration hierarchy.

Multicast VPN Configuration Hierarchy

Configuration Syntax and Commands

The following sections describe the MVPN configuration syntax and commands.

Multicast Address Family Configuration

Enable the IPv4 multicast address family in the VPN service instance.


set instance <instance> address-family <afi> <safi> <attribute> <value>

Attribute Description


The name of the VPN service instance


Address family identifier (AFI). For IPv4 multicast, the required value is: ipv4


Subsequent address family identifier (SAFI). For IPv4 multicast, the required value is: multicast

Example: Instance Address Family Configuration

  "ietf-restconf:data": {
    "rtbrick-config:instance": [
        "name": "services",
        "address-family": [
            "afi": "ipv4",
            "safi": "multicast",
            "route-target": {
              "import": "target:",
              "export": "target:"

BGP Multicast Address Family Configuration

Enable the IPv4 multicast address family for BGP in the VPN service instance.


set instance <instance> protocol bgp address-family <afi> <safi> <attribute> <value>

Attribute Description


The name of the VPN service instance


Address family identifier (AFI). For IPv4 multicast, the required value is: ipv4


Subsequent address family identifier (SAFI). For IPv4 multicast, the required value is: multicast

redistribute <source>

Optionally redistribute PIM routes into BGP to translate and advertise subscriber join message as MVPN routes. The required source value is pim as IGMP routes are handled by the PIM process too.

Example: Instance BGP Address Family Configuration

  "ietf-restconf:data": {
  "rtbrick-config:instance": {
    "name": "services",
    "protocol": {
      "bgp": {
        "address-family": [
            "afi": "ipv4",
            "safi": "multicast",
            "redistribute": [
                "source": "pim"

BGP MVPN Address Family Configuration

Enable the MVPN address family in the global BGP instance.


set instance <instance> protocol bgp address-family <afi> <safi> <attribute> <value>

Attribute Description


Name of the global BGP instance. Typically this will be the default instance.


Address family identifier (AFI). For MVPN, the required value is: ipv4


Supported SAFIs are unicast. For MVPN, the required value is: vpn-multicast

Example: BGP MVPN Address Family Configuration

  "ietf-restconf:data": {
    "rtbrick-config:instance": [
        "name": "default",
        "protocol": {
          "bgp": {
            "address-family": [
                "afi": "ipv4",
                "safi": "vpn-multicast"

BGP Peer Group MVPN Address Family Configuration

Enable the MVPN address family for the global BGP peerings carrying the MVPN routes.


set instance <instance> protocol bgp peer-group <attribute> <value>

Attribute Description


Name of the global BGP instance. Typically this will be the default instance.


Peer group name

address-family <afi> <safi>

BGP peer group address family specific. For MVPN, the required AFI/SAFI values are: ipv4/ vpn-multicast.

Example: BGP Peer Group MVPN Address Family Configuration

  "ietf-restconf:data": {
    "rtbrick-config:peer-group": [
        "pg-name": "spine",
        "address-family": [
            "afi": "ipv4",
            "safi": "vpn-multicast",
            "extended-nexthop": "true",
            "update-nexthop": {
              "ipv6-address": "2001:db8:0:103::"

Multicast VPN Configuration Example

  "ietf-restconf:data": {
    "rtbrick-config:instance": [
        "name": "default",
        "protocol": {
          "bgp": {
            "address-family": [
                "afi": "ipv4",
                "safi": "vpn-multicast"
            "peer-group": [
                "pg-name": "spine",
                "address-family": [
                    "afi": "ipv4",
                    "safi": "vpn-multicast",
                    "extended-nexthop": "true",
                    "update-nexthop": {
                      "ipv6-address": "2001:db8:0:103::"
        "name": "services",
        "address-family": [
            "afi": "ipv4",
            "safi": "multicast",
            "route-target": {
              "import": "target:",
              "export": "target:"
        "protocol": {
          "bgp": {
            "address-family": [
                "afi": "ipv4",
                "safi": "multicast",
                "redistribute": [
                    "source": "pim"