BGP FlowSpec Operational Commands

show bgp peer

The 'show bgp peer' commands display information on BGP peers.


show bgp peer <option> …​

Option Description


Without any option, the commands display all BGP peers in all instances in a summary table format.


Detailed information on all BGP peers in all instances in a list view.


Detailed information on the peer with the given name.

address <peer-address>

Detailed information on the peer with the given IP address.

instance <instance-name>

Summary of all BGP peers in the given instance.

instance <instance-name> detail

Detailed information on all BGP peers in the given instance.

instance <instance-name> detail <peer-name>

Detailed information on the peer with the given name in the given instance.

instance <instance-name> detail address <peer-address>

Detailed information on the peer with the given IP address in the given instance.


Received and sent BGP prefixes per AFI/SAFI for all peers in all instances.

statistics peer <peer-name>

Received and sent BGP prefixes per AFI/SAFI for the peer with the given name.

statistics peer address <peer-address>

Received and sent BGP prefixes per AFI/SAFI for the peer with the given IP address.

statistics instance <instance-name> peer <peer-name>

Received and sent BGP prefixes per AFI/SAFI for the peer with the given name in the given instance.

statistics instance <instance-name> peer address <peer-address>

Received and sent BGP prefixes per AFI/SAFI for the peer with the given IP address in the given instance

Example 1: BGP Peer Summary View

supervisor@rtbrick>LEAF01: op> show bgp peer
Instance: default
  Peer        Remote AS    State         Up/Down Time    PfxRcvd   PfxSent
  PE2         4200000002   Established   0d:01h:35m:53s  42        72    65002        Established   0d:01h:35m:53s  2         27

Example 2: BGP Peer Detail View

supervisor@rtbrick>LEAF01: op> show bgp peer detail
Peer: PE2, Peer IP:, Remote AS: 4200000002, Local:, Local AS: 4200000001, Any AS: False
  Type: ebgp, State: Established, Up/Down Time: 0d:01h:38m:59s, Reason: Cease, Sub-Code: Admin reset
  Discovered on interface: -
  Last transition: Thu Jun 20 09:35:06 GMT +0000 2024, Flap count: 1
  Peer ID        :, Local ID  :
  Instance       : default, Peer group: PE2
  6PE enabled    : False
  Timer values:
    Peer keepalive : 30s, Local keepalive: 30s
    Peer holddown  : 90s, Local holddown : 90s
    Connect retry  : 30s
    Connect retry timer : 0s
    keepalive timer     : expires in 10s 882996us
    Holddown timer      : expires in 1m 12s 538155us
    Sent           : ['l2vpn-evpn', 'l2vpn-vpls', 'ipv4-unicast', 'ipv6-unicast', 'ipv4-flowspec', 'ipv6-flowspec', 'ipv4-vpn-unicast', 'ipv6-vpn-unicast', 'ipv4-vpn-multicast', 'ipv4-labeled-unicast', 'ipv6-labeled-unicast']
    Received       : ['l2vpn-evpn', 'l2vpn-vpls', 'ipv4-unicast', 'ipv6-unicast', 'ipv4-flowspec', 'ipv6-flowspec', 'ipv4-vpn-unicast', 'ipv6-vpn-unicast', 'ipv4-vpn-multicast', 'ipv4-labeled-unicast', 'ipv6-labeled-unicast']
    Negotiated     : ['l2vpn-evpn', 'l2vpn-vpls', 'ipv4-unicast', 'ipv6-unicast', 'ipv4-flowspec', 'ipv6-flowspec', 'ipv4-vpn-unicast', 'ipv6-vpn-unicast', 'ipv4-vpn-multicast', 'ipv4-labeled-unicast', 'ipv6-labeled-unicast']
    Addpath sent                  : None
    Addpath received              : None
    Addpath negotiated            : None
    Extended nexthop sent         : None
    Extended nexthop received     : None
    Extended nexthop negotiated   : None
      Feature                      Sent            Received        Negotiated
      Route refresh                True            True            True
      4 byte AS                    True            True            True
      Graceful restart             False           False           False
      Link local only              False           False           False
  Prefix Limit:
  End of RIB:
    Address family                 Sent                                Received
    IPv4 unicast                   Thu Jun 20 09:35:11 GMT +0000 2024  Thu Jun 20 09:35:11 GMT +0000 2024
    IPv4 labeled-unicast           Thu Jun 20 09:35:11 GMT +0000 2024  Thu Jun 20 09:35:11 GMT +0000 2024
    IPv6 unicast                   Thu Jun 20 09:35:11 GMT +0000 2024  Thu Jun 20 09:35:11 GMT +0000 2024
    IPv6 labeled-unicast           Thu Jun 20 09:35:11 GMT +0000 2024  Thu Jun 20 09:35:11 GMT +0000 2024
    IPv4 VPN-unicast               Thu Jun 20 09:35:11 GMT +0000 2024  Thu Jun 20 09:35:11 GMT +0000 2024
    IPv6 VPN-unicast               Thu Jun 20 09:35:11 GMT +0000 2024  Thu Jun 20 09:35:11 GMT +0000 2024
    IPv4 flowspec                  Thu Jun 20 09:35:11 GMT +0000 2024  Thu Jun 20 09:35:11 GMT +0000 2024
    IPv6 flowspec                  Thu Jun 20 09:35:11 GMT +0000 2024  Thu Jun 20 09:35:11 GMT +0000 2024
    IPv4 VPN-multicast             Thu Jun 20 09:35:11 GMT +0000 2024  Thu Jun 20 09:35:11 GMT +0000 2024
    L2VPN VPLS                     Thu Jun 20 09:35:11 GMT +0000 2024  Thu Jun 20 09:35:11 GMT +0000 2024
    L2VPN EVPN                     Thu Jun 20 09:35:11 GMT +0000 2024  Thu Jun 20 09:35:11 GMT +0000 2024
  Message stats:
    Session stats:
      Direction   Open         Update       Keepalive    Notify       Route refresh
      Input       1            40           235          0            0
      Output      1            52           239          0            0
    Total stats:
      Input       2            80           299          0            0
      Output      2            102          302          1            0
    Route stats:
      Address family                 Received     Sent         Prefix limit Idle timeout
      IPv4 unicast                   4            4            0            0
      IPv4 labeled-unicast           2            2            0            0
      IPv6 unicast                   4            4            0            0
      IPv6 labeled-unicast           2            2            0            0
      IPv4 VPN-unicast               8            4            0            0
      IPv6 VPN-unicast               6            4            0            0
      IPv4 VPN-multicast             2            6            0            0
      L2VPN VPLS                     7            7            0            0
      L2VPN EVPN                     7            7            0            0
      IPv4 flowspec                  0            8            0            0
      IPv6 flowspec                  0            0            0            0
Peer: , Peer IP:, Remote AS: 65002, Local:, Local AS: 4200000001, Any AS: False
  Type: ebgp, State: Established, Up/Down Time: 0d:01h:38m:59s, Reason: Cease, Sub-Code: Admin reset
  Discovered on interface: -
  Last transition: Thu Jun 20 09:35:06 GMT +0000 2024, Flap count: 2
  Peer ID        :, Local ID  :
  Instance       : default, Peer group: SN
  6PE enabled    : False
  Timer values:
    Peer keepalive : 30s, Local keepalive: 30s
    Peer holddown  : 90s, Local holddown : 90s
    Connect retry  : 30s
    Connect retry timer : 0s
    keepalive timer     : expires in 14s 885374us
    Holddown timer      : expires in 1m 806199us
    Sent           : ['ipv4-unicast', 'ipv6-unicast', 'ipv4-flowspec', 'ipv6-flowspec']
    Received       : ['ipv4-flowspec', 'ipv6-flowspec']
    Negotiated     : ['ipv4-flowspec', 'ipv6-flowspec']
    Addpath sent                  : None
    Addpath received              : None
    Addpath negotiated            : None
    Extended nexthop sent         : None
    Extended nexthop received     : ['ipv4-flowspec', 'ipv6-flowspec']
    Extended nexthop negotiated   : None
      Feature                      Sent            Received        Negotiated
      Route refresh                True            True            True
      4 byte AS                    True            True            True
      Graceful restart             False           False           False
      Link local only              False           False           False

show bgp rib-in

This command displays the received routes.


show bgp rib-in <option> …​

Option Description


Without any option, the command displays information on the received BGP routing table on all instances in a summary table format.


BGP routing table summary for the given address family (AFI), all sub-address families and all instances. Supported AFI values are 'ipv4' and 'ipv6'.

<afi> <safi>

BGP routing table summary for the given address family (AFI) and sub-address family (SAFI), and all instances. Supported SAFI values are 'labeled-unicast', 'unicast', 'vpn-multicast', 'vpn-unicast', ‘evpn-vpws’, ‘evpn’, ‘vpls-vpws’, ‘vpls’, and ‘flowspec’.

<afi> <safi> detail

Detailed list view of the BGP routing table for the given address family (AFI) and sub-address family (SAFI), and all instances.

<afi> <safi> <prefix>

BGP routing table entry for the given prefix and all instances.

<afi> <safi> instance <instance-name>

BGP routing table summary for the given AFI, SAFI, and instance.

<afi> <safi> instance <instance-name> detail

Detailed list view of BGP routing table for the given AFI, SAFI, and instance.

<afi> <safi> instance <instance-name> <prefix>

BGP routing table entry for the given prefix and instance.

<afi> <safi> peer <name> / peer address <ip>

Peer name or address

Example 1: Summary view of the BGP rib-in for the ipv4 flowspec address family.

supervisor@rtbrick>LEAF01: op> show bgp rib-in ipv4 flowspec
Instance: default, AFI: ipv4, SAFI: flowspec
Peer IP:, Source IP:, Received routes: 2
   Flowspec Hash        Match                                             Action                  AS Path       Status
   236e3111             src-prefix  :                        rate-limit:400.0 kbps   65002         Valid
                        ip-proto    : [ ==tcp or ==udp ]
                        src-port    : [ ==200 or ==100 or ==300 ]
   e05a9523             dest-prefix :                      discard                 65002         Valid

Example 2: Summary view of the BGP rib-in for the ipv6 flowspec address family.

supervisor@rtbrick>LEAF01: op> show bgp rib-in ipv6 flowspec
Instance: default, AFI: ipv6, SAFI: flowspec
Peer IP:, Source IP:, Received routes: 1
   Flowspec Hash                Match                                         Action                    AS Path       Status
   eff682bf                     src-prefix  : 2001:db8::1/128                 rate-limit:500.0 kbps     -             Valid
                                ip-proto    : [ ==udp ]
                                src-port    : [ ==4000 or ==5000 ]

show bgp rib-out

This command displays the send routes.


show bgp rib-out <option> …​

Option Description


Without any option, the command displays advertised BGP routes for all instances.


BGP routing table summary for the given address family (AFI), all sub-address families and all instances. Supported AFI values are 'ipv4' and 'ipv6'.

<afi> <safi>

BGP routing table summary for the given address family (AFI) and sub-address family (SAFI), and all instances. Supported SAFI values are 'unicast', 'labeled-unicast', 'multicast', 'vpn-unicast', ‘evpn’, ‘vpls’, ‘vpls-vpws’, and ‘flowspec’.

<afi> <safi> detail

Detailed list view of the BGP routing table for the given address family (AFI) and sub-address family (SAFI), and all instances.

<afi> <safi> <prefix>

BGP routing table entry for the given prefix and all instances.

<afi> <safi> instance <instance-name>

BGP routing table summary for the given AFI, SAFI, and instance.

<afi> <safi> instance <instance-name> detail

Detailed list view of BGP routing table for the given AFI, SAFI, and instance.

<afi> <safi> instance <instance-name> <prefix>

BGP routing table entry for the given prefix and instance.

<afi> <safi> peer <name> / peer address <ip>

Peer name or address

Example 1: Summary view of the IPv4 FlowSpec routes advertised to a peer

supervisor@rtbrick>LEAF01: op> show bgp rib-out ipv4 flowspec
Instance: default, AFI: ipv4, SAFI: flowspec
  Peer-group: PE2, Sent routes: 2
   Flowspec Hash                Match                                         Action                       Origin
   236e3111                     src-prefix  :                    rate-limit:400.0 kbps        Incomplete
                                ip-proto    : [ ==tcp or ==udp ]
                                src-port    : [ ==200 or ==100 or ==300 ]
   e05a9523                     dest-prefix :	                discard                      Incomplete

Example 2: Summary view of the IPv6 FlowSpec routes advertised to a peer

supervisor@rtbrick>LEAF01: op> show bgp rib-out ipv6 flowspec
Instance: default, AFI: ipv6, SAFI: flowspec
  Peer-group: PE2, Sent routes: 1
   Flowspec Hash                Match                                         Action                       Origin
   eff682bf                     src-prefix  : 2001:db8::1/128                 rate-limit:500.0 kbps        Incomplete
                                ip-proto    : [ ==udp ]
                                src-port    : [ ==4000 or ==5000 ]

show bgp fib

The 'show bgp fib' commands display the BGP forwarding table. In contrast to the 'show bgp rib' commands, the output of the 'show bgp fib' commands includes only the selected routes. The BGP route selection occurs between the RIB and the FIB.


show bgp fib <option> …​

Option Description


Without any option, the commands display the BGP forwarding table for all address families and all instances in a summary table format.


BGP forwarding table summary for the given address family (AFI), all sub-address families and all instances. Supported AFI values are 'ipv4' and 'ipv6'.

<afi> <safi>

BGP forwarding table summary for the given address family (AFI) and sub-address family (SAFI), and all instances. Supported SAFI values are 'unicast', 'labeled-unicast', 'vpn-multicast', 'vpn-unicast', ‘evpn-vpws’, ‘vpls’, ‘vpls-vpws’ and ‘flowspec’.

<afi> <safi> detail

Detailed list view of the BGP forwarding table for the given address family (AFI) and sub-address family (SAFI), and all instances.

<afi> <safi> <prefix>

BGP forwarding table entry for the given prefix and all instances.

<afi> <safi> instance <instance-name>

BGP forwarding table summary for the given AFI, SAFI, and instance.

<afi> <safi> instance <instance-name> detail

Detailed list view of BGP forwarding table for the given AFI, SAFI, and instance.

<afi> <safi> instance <instance-name> <prefix>

BGP forwarding table entry for the given prefix and instance.

Example 1: Summary view of the BGP FIB for IPv4 flowspec address family

supervisor@rtbrick>LEAF01: op> show bgp fib ipv4 flowspec
Instance: default, AFI: ipv4, SAFI: flowspec
  Flowspec Hash             Match                                         Action                    Priority   Status
  236e3111                  src-prefix  :                    rate-limit:400.0 kbps     1502       Installed
                            ip-proto    : [ ==tcp or ==udp ]
                            src-port    : [ ==200 or ==100 or ==300 ]
  e05a9523                  dest-prefix :                  discard                   1501       Installed

Example 2: Summary view of the BGP FIB for a specific IPv4 flowspec hash

supervisor@rtbrick>LEAF01: op> show bgp fib ipv4 flowspec e05a9523
Instance: default, AFI: ipv4, SAFI: flowspec
  Flowspec hash: e05a9523
    Extended community:
    Priority: 1509
    Status: Installed
    Number of ACL installed: 1
      Rule: bgp-flowspec-e05a95230d1f7153ac561b564947a9457b1083f57fa5cb10
        ACL type: l3v4
        Ordinal: 0               Priority: 1501
          Destination IPv4 prefix:
          Drop: True
                    Total         Accepted      Dropped
          Packets:  45            0             45
          Bytes:    11700         0             11700

Example 3: Summary view of the BGP FIB for IPv6 flowspec address family

supervisor@rtbrick>LEAF01: op> show bgp fib ipv6 flowspec
Instance: default, AFI: ipv6, SAFI: flowspec
  Flowspec Hash             Match                                         Action                    Priority   Status
  eff682bf                  src-prefix  : 2001:db8::1/128                 rate-limit:500.0 kbps     1501       Installed
                            ip-proto    : [ ==udp ]
                            src-port    : [ ==4000 or ==5000 ]

Example 3: Summary view of the BGP FIB for a specific IPv4 flowspec address family

supervisor@rtbrick>LEAF01: op> show bgp fib ipv4 flowspec 236e3111
Instance: default, AFI: ipv4, SAFI: flowspec
  Flowspec hash: 236e3111
      ip-proto:  [ ==tcp or ==udp ]
      src-port:  [ ==200 or ==100 or ==300 ]
      rate-limit:400.0 kbps
    Extended community:
    Priority: 1502
    Status: Installed
    Number of ACL installed: 6
      Rule: bgp-flowspec-236e31110de8e5920e5caed1e4bc3fe92d570bda99bd49f7
        ACL type: l3v4
        Ordinal: 4               Priority: 1502
          Source IPv4 prefix:
          Source L4 port:: 100
          IP protocol: udp
        ACL type: l3v4
        Ordinal: 3               Priority: 1502
          Source IPv4 prefix:
          Source L4 port:: 200
          IP protocol: udp
        ACL type: l3v4
        Ordinal: 0               Priority: 1502
          Source IPv4 prefix:
          Source L4 port:: 200
          IP protocol: tcp
        ACL type: l3v4
        Ordinal: 2               Priority: 1502
          Source IPv4 prefix:
          Source L4 port:: 300
          IP protocol: tcp
        ACL type: l3v4
        Ordinal: 5               Priority: 1502

Validating FlowSpec ACLs:

In forwarding, the FlowSpec rules can be validated using the "show acl rule <…​>" command as shown in the example below:

supervisor@rtbrick>LEAF01: op> show acl rule bgp-flowspec-b9342ffc0d1f7153ac561b564947a9457b1083f57fa5cb10
Rule: bgp-flowspec-b9342ffc0d1f7153ac561b564947a9457b1083f57fa5cb10
  ACL type: l3v4
  Ordinal: 0             Priority: 1501
      Direction: ingress
      Destination IPv4 prefix:
      Stats enabled: True
      Drop: True
      ACL Handle: 93
      Units      Total       Accepted    Dropped
      Packets    45          0           45
      Bytes      11700       0           11700