RIB Operational commands

Display Routes

The show route command displays information on routes.


show route <option>

Option Description


Without any option, the command displays the information for all routes for all instances.


Shows detailed route information.

instance <name>

Routing table information for a specified instance.


Shows route information for the IPv4 routing table.


Shows route information for the IPv6 routing table.


Shows route information for the MPLS routing table.

label <value>

Shows route information for a specified destination label.

prefix <value>

Shows route information for a specified destination prefix.


Shows the number of routes with the same prefix length for the sources.


Shows routes from a specified source.


Shows the number of routes selected by RIBD for each source.

Example 1: The following example shows route information.

supervisor@rtbrick>LEAF01: op> show route
Instance: default, AFI: ipv4, SAFI: unicast
Prefix/Label                             Source            Pref    Next Hop                                 Interface                             direct            0                                lo-0/0/0/1

Instance: default, AFI: ipv4, SAFI: labeled-unicast
Prefix/Label                             Source            Pref    Next Hop                                 Interface                      Label                             direct            0                                lo-0/0/0/1                     -
Instance: default, AFI: ipv6, SAFI: unicast
Prefix/Label                             Source            Pref    Next Hop                                 Interface

192:1::2/128                             bgp               20      fe80::eac5:7aff:fe8f:5663                ifl-0/1/70/13
192:1::3/128                             direct            0       192:1::3                                 lo-0/0/0/1

192:1::4/128                             bgp               20      fe80::eac5:7aff:fe8f:5663                ifl-0/1/70/13
Instance: default, AFI: ipv6, SAFI: labeled-unicast
Prefix/Label                             Source            Pref    Next Hop                                 Interface                      Label
192:1::2/128                             bgp               20      fe80::eac5:7aff:fe8f:5663                ifl-0/1/70/13                  -
192:1::3/128                             direct            0       192:1::3                                 lo-0/0/0/1                     -
192:1::4/128                             bgp               20      fe80::eac5:7aff:fe8f:5663                ifl-0/1/70/13                  2020

Example 2: A route summary is shown in the following example.

supervisor@rtbrick>LEAF01: op>  show route summary
Instance: default
  Source                 Routes
  bgp                         4
  direct                      4
  Total Routes                8
Instance: inband-vrf
  Source                 Routes
  bgp                         4
  direct                      2
  Total Routes                6
Instance: ip2vrf
  Source                 Routes
  bgp                         3
  direct                      2
  Total Routes                5
Instance: li-vrf
  Source                 Routes
  bgp                         2
  direct                      2
  Total Routes                4
Instance: mgmt-vrf
  Source                 Routes
  bgp                         4
  direct                      2
  Total Routes                6
Instance: radius-vrf
  Source                 Routes
  bgp                         3
  direct                      2
  Total Routes                5

Example 3: This example shows routes with IPv4 prefixes of the same length

supervisor@rtbrick>LEAF01: op>> show route prefix-length-distribution
Instance: default
  Prefix Length      Count
            /32          2
           /128          6
            Sum          8
Instance: inband-vrf
  Prefix Length      Count
            /32          3
           /128          3
            Sum          6
Instance: ip2vrf
  Prefix Length      Count
            /24          1
            /32          2
           /128          2
            Sum          5
Instance: li-vrf
  Prefix Length      Count
            /32          2
           /128          2
            Sum          4
Instance: mgmt-vrf
  Prefix Length      Count
            /32          3
           /128          3
            Sum          6
Instance: radius-vrf
  Prefix Length      Count
            /24          1
            /32          2
           /128          2
            Sum          5

Displaying Route Resolution

The show route-resolution command displays the routes that were requested to be resolved for their nexthops. Otherwise, it shows the route is unresolved.


show route-resolution <options>

Option Description


Without any option, the command displays the information for all requests and response tables side by side.


Displays the information for all requests and responses for a destination instance.

look-up instance

Displays lookup instance routes.


Displays routes for prefix 4 or prefix 6.


Displays resolved routes.


Displays source of requested source.


Displays unresolved routes.

Example 1: Below is an example of the route resolution requested by the protocol BGP.

supervisor@rtbrick>LEAF01: op> show route-resolution
192:1::2, Source: bgp
  Destination instance: default, AFI: ipv4, SAFI: vpn-multicast
  Lookup      instance: default, AFI: ipv6, SAFI: labeled-unicast
  Covering Prefix: 192:1::2/128
    Interface        MAC Address         Nexthop
    ifl-0/1/70/13    e8:c5:7a:8f:56:63   fe80::eac5:7aff:fe8f:5663
fe80::eac5:7aff:fe8f:5663, Source: bgp
  Destination instance: default, AFI: ipv6, SAFI: unicast
  Lookup      instance: default, AFI: ipv6, SAFI: unicast
  Covering Prefix: fe80::eac5:7aff:fe8f:5663/128
    Interface        MAC Address         Nexthop
    ifl-0/1/70/13    e8:c5:7a:8f:56:63   fe80::eac5:7aff:fe8f:5663
fe80::eac5:7aff:fe8f:5663, Source: bgp
  Destination instance: default, AFI: ipv4, SAFI: vpn-unicast
  Lookup      instance: default, AFI: ipv6, SAFI: labeled-unicast
  Covering Prefix: fe80::eac5:7aff:fe8f:5663/128
    Interface        MAC Address         Nexthop
    ifl-0/1/70/13    e8:c5:7a:8f:56:63   fe80::eac5:7aff:fe8f:5663
fe80::eac5:7aff:fe8f:5663, Source: bgp
  Destination instance: default, AFI: ipv6, SAFI: labeled-unicast
  Lookup      instance: default, AFI: ipv6, SAFI: labeled-unicast
  Covering Prefix: fe80::eac5:7aff:fe8f:5663/128
    Interface        MAC Address         Nexthop
    ifl-0/1/70/13    e8:c5:7a:8f:56:63   fe80::eac5:7aff:fe8f:5663
fe80::eac5:7aff:fe8f:5663, Source: bgp
  Destination instance: default, AFI: ipv6, SAFI: vpn-unicast
  Lookup      instance: default, AFI: ipv6, SAFI: labeled-unicast
  Covering Prefix: fe80::eac5:7aff:fe8f:5663/128
    Interface        MAC Address         Nexthop
    ifl-0/1/70/13    e8:c5:7a:8f:56:63   fe80::eac5:7aff:fe8f:5663