
Appendix A: RBFS C-BNG Configuration

The RBFS C-BNG configuration file (c-bng-ospf-cgnat.json) can be downloaded from here.

  • Click here to download the RBFS C-BNG configuration file.

Appendix B: TACACS+ Server Configuration

The TACACS+ server configuration file (tac_plus.conf) can be downloaded from here.

  • Click here to download the TACACS+ server configuration file.

Appendix C: RADIUS Server Configuration

The RADIUS server configuration files ( can be downloaded from here. The zip archive contains the set of configuration files needed to configure the RADIUS server.

  • Click here to download the RADIUS server configuration files.

Appendix D: BNG Blaster Configuration

The BNG Blaster configuration file (blaster_cgnat.json) can be downloaded from here.

  • Click here to download the BNG Blaster configuration files.

The JSON files (ospfv2_3node.json and ospfv3_3node.json) which are used to simulate R-1, R-2, and RR on BNG Blaster, can be downloaded from here.

  • Click here to download the ospfv2_3node.json file.

  • Click here to download the ospfv3_3node.json file.