RBFS Subscriber Filters


RBFS Subscriber Filters, also referred to as subscriber ACLs, consist of a set of rules defining packet match criteria and actions. There are separate rules for IPv4 and IPv6 downstream (egress to subscriber) and upstream (ingress from subscriber) packets. These rules support various match criteria and actions, some of which are specific to address families or directions. Each rule is assigned a priority, and the decision between multiple matching rules is based on these priorities, where lower values take precedence.

The available actions include accept, drop, or http-redirect where the last one refers to the RBFS HTTP Redirect Service. When the action is drop, matching traffic is silently discarded. The filters are categorized into two primary types, namely l3v4 for IPv4 and l3v6 for IPv6, applicable to either ingress or egress direction.

To apply these filters to subscribers, there are two ways. They can be applied through the access service-profile or directly using the corresponding RADIUS attributes with the second method taking priority.

About the Match Criteria

When multiple match criteria are defined within a single rule, they are treated as a logical AND operation, requiring all criteria to be met for the rule to be considered as a match. However, using unsupported match criteria, such as destination-ipv4-subscriber-prefix in ingress (upstream), can potentially lead to session termination. In the case of CoA (Change of Authorization), the filter assignment is rejected using CoA NAK, if such unsupported criteria are encountered.

Even if filters are assigned to a subscriber, those filters are applied globally, indicating that all traffic from all interfaces and subscribers is evaluated against all rules. Consequently, RBFS has introduced specific options to restrict rules to individual subscribers. For ingress (upstream) rules, it is recommended to enable the subscriber-ifl option, ensuring that only traffic received from the corresponding subscriber is matched. With the subscriber-ifl option, packets are matched based on incoming subscriber IFL. However, this option is not supported in egress(downstream), requiring the limitation of traffic using subscriber address prefix information. Thus, RBFS introduced the options source-ipv4-subscriber-prefix, source-ipv6-subscriber-prefix, destination-ipv4-subscriber-prefix, destination-ipv6-subscriber-prefix, source-ipv6-delegated-subscriber-prefix, and destination-ipv6-delegated-subscriber-prefix. With these options enabled, the dynamically assigned subscriber address prefix is automatically integrated into the corresponding filter instance to constrain those rules to a specific subscriber.

Improperly configured filters assigned to one subscriber may create a negative impact on other subscribers as well.