L2BSA Operational Commands

The following commands allow to list or clear all L2BSA services from CLI.

supervisor@leaf1: op> show l2bsa service
Interface        ANP VLAN     Timestamp
ifp-0/0/1     1000         Mon Aug 30 09:21:14 GMT +0000 2021

supervisor@leaf1: op> clear l2bsa service all

L2BSA subscribers can be managed like any other subscriber using the subscriber CLI commands.

supervisor@leaf1: op> show subscriber
Subscriber-Id          Interface        VLAN      Type   State
281479271677954        ifp-0/1/23     1000:0    L2BSA  ESTABLISHED

supervisor@leaf1: op> show subscriber filter type L2BSA
Subscriber-Id          Interface        VLAN      Type   State
281479271677954        ifp-0/1/23     1000:0    L2BSA  ESTABLISHED

supervisor@leaf1: op> show subscriber 281479271677954 detail
Subscriber-Id: 281479271677954
    Type: L2BSA
    Created: Mon Aug 30 09:23:34 GMT +0000 2021
    Interface: ifp-0/1/23
    Outer VLAN: 1000
    IFL: l2bsa-0/0/1/281479271677954
    Username: ifp-0/1/23:1000@l2bsa
    Agent-Remote-Id: DEU.L2BSA.API01
    Agent-Circuit-Id: eth 01
    AAA-Profile: aaa-l2bsa-default
    Session-Timeout: 0 (disabled)
    Idle-Timeout: 0 (disabled)
        Instance: default
        Nexthop: (ipv4/labeled-unicast)
        Ingress Label (TX): 1337
        Egress Label (RX): 7331
        Session-Id: 281479271677954:1630315414
        Start-Time: 2021-08-30T09:23:34.847166+0000
        Interims Interval: 0 seconds

The CLI also provides some global intermediate agent function packet statistics about traffic received in the control plane which belong to L2BSA subscribers.

supervisor@leaf1: op> show l2bsa intermediate-agent statistics
PPPoE Discovery Sent        : 0
PPPoE Discovery Updated     : 0
PPPoE Discovery Dropped     : 0

The sent statistics count all intermediate agent traffic forwarded back to L2X while updated only counts those which are also updated or enriched by access line information. Dropped are those packets received but dropped by the L2BSA subscriber state which might be the case if the L2BSA subscriber is still present but in a terminating state.